Monday, 8 October 2018

Sustainability: The Future of Companies

The importance of the sustainable company is increasing in a market in which it is important that its relationship with the natural environment that surrounds it be more and more balanced.

Sustainability has gone from being an additional value for companies to become an essential basis for securing their future. For this reason, they have to adopt sustainability as one of the key points in the structure, planning and design of processes, among other aspects, in order to improve the relationship established between the company and the natural environment that surrounds it.

To achieve this, companies have at their disposal various tools that adapt to their needs and the characteristics of the organization, as well as the demands of the market, authorities and expectations of different customers.

Relationship of sustainability with companies.

The term sustainability related to companies is heard more and more often, and every day there is a greater awareness that the activities carried out by the company have an impact on the natural environment and that this environment also directly affects the activities of the organization.

Respect for the environment has gone from being a social aspect to entering the business world through the big door. And it is that nowadays it is increasingly important and better valued business policies in which sustainability occupies more and more relevant positions. In this way, making an efficient use of natural resources by the company is key to guarantee the future of this and its position in the market against the competition, as well as to improve the brand image that customers perceive.

However, in many cases the Environmental Consultants are lost in the terminology of sustainability and do not know adequately what this technique consists of nor the measures that they have to adopt to comply with it, in the case of using the term sustainability without adapting to the parameters that define it, causing a deception in the clients, suppliers and interested people to whom an image is shown that is not in accordance with reality. In this way, some of the keys to a company can be called sustainable can be summarized in the following points:
  • Sustainability must be integrated within the strategy of the company, this being a main issue and not an addition. In this way it is possible to give the importance that the subject deserves and not to confine it to an extra aspect that will be treated in the event that all the main ones are fulfilled.
  • The commitment to sustainability on the part of the entire organization must be sought, as it is of no use for managers to mark sustainability as essential if the rest of the company does not adopt it as well.
  • The impacts that the company's activity exerts on its natural environment in its daily activity must be measured in order to establish the appropriate measures that allow this impact to diminish and apply effective measures that help establish a closer and more real relationship.
  • Sustainability has the support of innovation and should be based on transparency to be able to carry out effective actions on the company that allow it to be prioritized.

Consult your Geotechnical Engineering Sydney to know more about sustainability and adopt it within your working strategies.